Using Cups and Sticks to Distribute Air-Filled Balloons
Have you ever experienced difficulty in choosing a balloons distribution method for your events?
Wondering where to start with handing our balloons?
Well we have the solution for you with something called balloon cups and sticks.
By simply attaching a small plastic cup to the bottom the bottom of your balloon, then attaching a stick through that, you have a reliable and cost-effective balloon distribution method. Assembly of this contraption is so simple that anyone can do it, provided that they know how to blow up a balloon and then to tie it up afterwards.
Balloon Distribution Solutions
The primary objective of printing custom logo balloons is to get your logo into circulation at your event, and beyond. So you need to get hundreds or thousands of your floating billboards into the hands of prospects (and their children) at the event or show.
This leads to the logistical problem of inflating and distributing the balloons.
Your first decision is on how to inflate the balloons – with air or with helium.
Air-Filled Balloons
Air inflation is a good option for large numbers of balloons for distribution of display – and some indoor venues will have rules that require you to use air instead of helium.
Air is cheaper than helium. The price of a good electric air inflator will appear quite favourable relative to the cost of helium for thousands of balloons.
Helium Balloon Distribution
You may also choose to inflate your custom printed balloons with helium and hand them out on ribbons to children and adults at your events.
If cost is not a factor, and the event venue is favorable for the use of helium filled floating balloons, than you can’t go wrong with a lighter than air balloon gas solution. Kids love it.
Choosing Air Filled Balloons on Sticks
Assuming that you will go ahead with air filled balloon distribution at your event, you will need a few things and resources:
- A space to work, with electricity
- At least one electric inflator
- A team of one or more to inflate the balloons
- Your balloons and cups & sticks
You can inflate balloons at your booth as needed, but you will want to have at least two people so that you can have one person preparing balloons while the other speaks with people. If you are too focused on the balloon prep you can lose valuable opportunities to interact with prospects. Don’t make this beginner error and waste your face time with clients.
How To Put a Balloon on a Stick
Simply attach the balloon to the cup, wrapping the tied knot around the base, and then insert the stick into the slot in the cup, and you are done.
Here is a step by step instruction guide to be used as needed. Big thanks to our friends at Balloon Decoration Guide for the images:
After blowing up your balloon, stretch out its neck and twist it two or three times (fig. 1).
Insert the neck into one of the slots of the cup (fig. 2)
Then feed the neck through the other slot of the cup holder (fig. 3)
Twist it round twice between the cup and the balloon (fig. 4).
Finally, insert the neck into one of the slots again (fig. 5)
that’s your balloon sealed and secured (fig. 6).
All you need to do now is to attach it to the plastic stick (fig. 7).
Balloon Cup & Stick Pricing
We offer a variety of deals and prices on balloon cups & sticks, and you can even get a package including balloon printing, an air inflator, and the sticks.
Please visit the Hot Deals page for full detail, or just call us for quick answers to your questions.